ZSB is a public Vocational Education and Training school. We teach students in the following professions: IT, building construction, photography and multimedia, geodesy, landscaping and computer programming. The three case studies below describe innovative ways to develop social, psychological and physical skills used in work and in adulthood.
Case Studies
How Art Therapy enables personal development in young learners with a physical disability
This case study explores a series of classes which are implemented as part of the ‘My First Job’ programme. A series of creative classes, using ceramics as a vehicle to develop specific work and adult skills.
How sensory integration therapy develops transferable work skills
This case study explores the use of sensory integrated therapy to promote affective, cognitive and psychological development in young children with disabilities.
How the library can be used to develop students’ social skills through fun activities, cultural enterprises and local community interaction
This case study explores a number of create and interactive ways of involving young children with disabilities into literacy, communication and social interaction.